If you are interested in hiking Rochester is a great place to start looking! If you are not familiar with this area of western New York state, you should know that there are some destinations for fantastic hiking Rochester visitors and residents can take advantage of. All you need to know is where to look for them.
Lots of people who love hiking rochester ny area trails spend afternoons at Letchworth State Park, just south of Rochester, near the town of Mt. Morris. Just south of Flower City’s major metropolitan area lies this beautiful park that is chock full of gorges, Rochester hiking trails, waterfalls, and stunning trees and wildlife. Any Rochester NY hiking aficionado can tell you; Letchworth State Park is the place to be if you are looking for the perfect place to get away from it all and enjoy the great outdoors.
If you need to pick up some equipment for hiking Rochester is a good place to do it as well. There are some fantastic outdoor equipment shops that can sell you hiking shoes, tents, backpacks, and all the other hiking gear that you need to be totally prepared for a fun hike. If you have some friends or family in the area that love hiking Rochester area trails, make sure to ask them about where the best places are to pick up the gear that you will need to get ready for your hike. You can also look online to find out about the best stores to buy the equipment that you need for hiking Rochester area trails and parks. A few minutes spent doing some research is all that you need to get hooked up with everything you need for hiking rochester!