When they decide to go hiking rochester NY residents should know that any Rochester hiking trails are not nearly as long as the length of Continental Divide Trail. It is 3,100 miles and 16,368,000 feet long.
When they are considering hiking trails rochester residents should be prepared for multiple types of emergencies. Having to deal with a dangerous emergency is something that all hikers should be prepared for. This is one of the reasons it is highly recommended that people do not hike alone. The Appalachian Trail is the longest trail on the East Coast and it has become one of the more popular trails to hike. Because it is so long people tend to do it in parts or only do single parts of the trail. Not many people attempt to do the whole thing at the same time. The fastest record was set by Jennifer Pharr Davis in 2011 for the fastest through hike of the Appalachian Trail. Davis hiked the trail in 46 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes. On her record setting trek Davis went through five pairs of shoes. That means a new pair of shoes every nine days. In Rochester hiking trails are just not that long.
When you are going on Rochester hiking trails you should be sure to be comfortable in all aspects. Wearing brand new hiking boots is a terrible idea. Break in your new hiking boots far in advance before your big hiking trip. The last thing you want to deal with is blisters from your new hiking boots.
Besides hiking boots you should also make sure that your clothing is comfortable. Wearing layers is the way to go when you are going on Rochester hiking trails. Being able to take off layers if it is too hot or put more on if it gets too cold is more convenient than trying to dress for the weather. Being prepared for the elements is an important part of hiking.