Instead of searching for company names such as A Less Dumpster Rental or Budget Dumpster Rental you can employ generic phrases like “renta dumpster.” A lot of dumpster rental firms have local operation. While you might stumble across a regional company that services one or two counties, you are unlikely to find one servicing many states. There is a chance that you will be amazed if you have rented one before in a different state. Prices for renting dumpsters vary from one state to the next . There is a variety of price ranges. The average price of a roll off dumpster is between $220 and $780. The cost range variance reflects the variation between the length of rental as well as the dumpster’s size. You might be able to find commercial dumpsters with a couple of firms. This means that you can choose the appropriate job dumpster to suit requirements for your business at the same location where you can rent your dumpster to clear out your garage or house. These job dumpsters have a wider price range. The price of trash pick-up depends on the frequency you’ll need it, how big the dumpster is and how many garbage items will be in the dumpster as well as the quantity of garbage is contained in the dumpster. Half-full dumpsters cost between $248-$288 per month for rental and garbage service. An empty dumpster can cost from $328 up to $348. 71yrtj9fl4.