Three Hiking Hot Spots in Rochester NY

Hiking rochester ny

Rochester NY has the great benefit of being a busy metropolitan city, but also being located in one of the most beautiful regions of Central and Western New York. For anyone that likes to spend time outdoors, there are a number of hiking trails Rochester is not far from. Here are some of the more popular Rochester hiking trails that you might consider the next time that you want to get some fresh air, exercise, and take in the sights of the Genesee Valley and Finger Lakes region.

  • Genesee Riverway Trail
  • The Riverway trail is located almost in the center of Rochester, and runs through 16 scenic miles. Perhaps the best thing about the Riverway trail is that it runs right into the Erie Canal Trail, which is three-fourths of the way towards completion. When finished, the Erie Canal Trail will be Continue reading

Three Great Rochester Hiking Trails in Time For Fall!

Hiking rochester

As the crisp Fall breeze starts to blow in, so too comes the time to start planning some great Fall activities! One of the best parts of living in Western New York is the color of the leaves as they change, and there’s no better way to enjoy them than with a nice, adventurous hike. There are many great trails all throughout Monroe County, and the real question is where do you want to start hiking Rochester NY? So, to help you, here’s three great Rochester hiking trails for your exploration this Fall!

1. Tryon Park. Continue reading

Before You Get Muddy, Read These Three Rochester Hiking Tips

Rochester hiking trails

Did you know that the average person will burn about 500 calories in one hour of hiking? There are many reasons people love to hike, especially in Western New York. Not only is it a great way to exercise, but it can also be a way to enjoy the outdoors and reconnect with family and friends. If you are planning on participating in Rochester hiking, we have three tips to help make sure that you have the best experience possible.

1. Preparation for Your Hike

There are certain accidents common to hiking adventures. Twisted ankles, dehydration, and sore backs are all common issues. Luckily, they are largely preventable. If you are going hiking for the day, make sure you pack enough food and water to last throughout. Your backpack should have additional handy items like a first aid kit aContinue reading

Rochester, A Great Place for Outdoor Activity

Rochester ny hiking

Rochester hiking can be a fun activity for the entire family. It might seem somewhat counterintuitive. After all, in terms of hiking rochester ny seems like an unnatural place to look. But Rochester hiking trails can be among the most beautiful landscapes in the entire country, especially in the summer time when the leaves are still on the trees. Rochester NY hiking includes hiking along the Erie Canal and other areas.

There are also a lot of old fashioned railroad tracks which have been uprooted and which provide numerous opportunities for Rochester hiking. It is for this reason that Rochester hiking is becoming increasingly popular for people who want to get away from the day jobs at Eastman Kodak or Xerox or Bausch and Lomb and find a place to come into communion with nature on the weekend.

And it iContinue reading