The Various Benefits of Cupping and Acupuncture – Bright Healthcare

er Varicose veins Anxiety and depression. High blood pressure Skin problems and issues Gynecological and fertility problems Rheumatic conditions such as arthritis blood disorders such as hemophilia or anemia What To Ask Your doctor first

Make sure to consult your physician prior to beginning cupping or any other form of alternative and complementary medicines. Prior to having your cupping session, speak to your Therapist. Talk to them about:

There are any reasons why you should not seek cupping? Do you have a standard treatment for your condition? What conditions do they use to treat? What is the procedure for cupping? Cupping Therapy Is Applied

Cupping Therapy is done with glass-based cups that are small bamboo, animal horns, or bamboo. The cupping practitioner may use the silicone cup or medical-grade glass to observe your skin’s conditions. They are easy to sterilize, making them perfect for cupping. The cups are warmed by the therapist prior to applying them on the skin of the patient. The therapist will then create suction around the areas which require treatment. There’s a range of Cupping therapies to choose from. Dry cupping is focused solely on vacuuming, whereas massage cupping is the practice of applying oils on a person’s skin beneath the cups following few minutes of suction. The suction draws blood into the cups. For the wounds to heal the wounds, apply bandages or an antiseptic cream to the cut skin after the cups are removed.

What Acupuncture Treatment is like

Acupuncture uses tiny, fine needles that are used to apply specific needles at the body. A certified acupuncturist is knowledgeable about human meridians and anatomy. Through this understanding and many years of experience practic


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